Restore Your Natural Glow



SKIN+ By Dianna

This is a deep exfoliation using a medical-grade scalpel to gently scrape across the surface of the skin. This process not only removes dead skin cells but also vellus hair from the face.

This is a deep exfoliation using a medical-grade scalpel to gently scrape across the surface of the skin. This process not only removes dead skin cells but also vellus hair from the face.

Why chose this treatment?

If your skins feeling tired and dull; you can visibly see vellus hair or you are just feeling the need of a deep exfoliation…then a dermaplane treatment is for you.

  • Your skin will benefit from a deep cleanse
  • Helps reduce pigmentation and acne scars over time
  • Skin benefits from deeper product penetration
  • Removes Vellus ( aka Peach Fuzz)
  • Healthy, glowing skin
  • No social downtime
  • Clears and clarifies the complexion.

Monthly deep cleanse is recommended.

Pain Intensity

None, skin may feel slightly tighter after a dermaplane treatment.

Social Downtime

No social downtime. Each skin type can react differently; some clients will have a sight skin erythema however any redness will settle over a few hours.


Avoid the use of exfoliants, further peeling agents, retinoids, retinols and vitamin A products for 5-7 days before the treatment. 

  • Ensure you change your pillowcase, clean your phone and makeup brushes to avoid transferring any bacteria to your freshly treated skin.
  • Do not PICK or PULL the skin.
  • Cleanse, tone and moisturise AM & PM everyday.
  • Avoid the use of exfoliants, further peeling agents, retinoids, retinols and vitamin A products for 5-7 days after treatment and before your next facial appointment.
  • Refrain from saunas, sunbed, steam baths and hot showers for 24 hours.
  • Use daily sunscreen protection with a minimum of 30 SPF for at least 2 weeks after treatment.
  • Drink plenty of water.
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