Eyebrow Enhancement



SKIN+ By Dianna

Manual microblading is a form of semi-permanent tattooing that involves using tiny, fine-point needles (instead of a tattoo gun) that make up a small disposable blade and handle that helps scratch and deposit pigment simultaneously under your skin.

What to expect from Microblading treatment…

Microblading is an art process – not an exact science – and cannot guarantee an exact colour result due to how colours can heal differently in all individuals. The selected colour will be darker immediately after treatment. This darker colour should exfoliate and lighten within 7-14 days after treatment. Lighter colours fade faster than darker colours, and all colours can change with time.

You may be required to return for additional treatments before your procedure is deemed complete. The payment for any additional work (if applicable) will be agreed prior to procedure commencing. Additional treatments cannot be performed for 4-8 weeks (depending on treatment) after initial procedure. This is in order to allow the initial treatment to heal fully.

Your consultant will use a treatment plan to record the colours you have chosen, needles used and pre and post treatment photographs. This information will be held securely in your consultation record.

The skin type of every client is different and colour should remain visible in the skin for several years (in some cases indefinitely). The pigment will be present permanently but not necessarily be visible. A re-touch procedure will be required periodically to keep the procedure looking fresh.

After each treatment some swelling or redness may occur. In some cases there may be bruising. Your consultant will recommend solutions to reduce these symptoms. Throughout the treatment you may experience some discomfort, but your consultant will reassure you throughout and endeavor to make you feel comfortable.

Pigments used in Semi Permanent Make Up contain iron oxides, and differ to the inks used in tattooing.

You must adhere to aftercare instructions given to you after your treatment. This is very important and will ensure you aren’t vulnerable to infections after leaving the clinic. You must let the treated area heal properly. Avoid picking, plucking or knocking as this will hinder the healing process and could make the treatment appear uneven thus requiring further work.

Be aware that skin altering procedures such as plastic surgery, implants and injectables may alter the Microblading look.

Before your Microblading Appointment – VERY IMPORTANT!!!

No alcohol or caffeine 48 hours before your appointment.

Do not work out 24 hours before procedure.

Avoid sun and tanning one week prior to procedure.

Do not take Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E or Advil/Ibuprofen 48 hours before procedure.

Discontinue Retin-A at least 4 weeks prior (and avoid on eyebrow area after procedure).

Refrain from use of any Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA) products close to the eyebrow area 2 weeks prior (and avoid on eyebrow area after procedure).

Botox and filler on the forehead, temple, and eye area should be avoided 1 month prior to procedure for those who do not regularly receive injectables.

No brow waxing, tinting, or threading one week prior (the more natural hair growth you have, the better!

Avoid Chemical Peels, Microdermabrasion or facials for 4-weeks prior procedure.

Please Note: You will be more sensitive during your menstrual cycle.


Avoid touching your brows post treatment. Hands must be freshly clean . Avoid use of abrasive washcloths or sponges.

Allow eyebrows to completely air dry before applying ointment. Apply the after care ointment given (for the amount of days recommended by your artist) with freshly washed hands or a Q-Tip.

DO NOT rub, pick or scratch the treated area. Let any scabbing or dry skin naturally exfoliate off. Picking can cause scarring and pigment loss!

COMPLETELY avoid direct sun exposure and tanning beds for a minimum of 4 weeks after your procedure. Direct sunlight can cause the pigment to change colour while it is healing and can also cause hyper pigmentation and scarring.

Avoid pool, sauna, steam rooms, hot showers and/or hot baths for 3 weeks.

Avoid sweating for a full 10 days. Any physical effort, gym, hot weather, any other activity that may cause sweating through or on the brows will expel pigment from the dermis producing poor results.

Avoid sleeping on your face/brows for the first 10 days.

NO makeup or skincare products to be used on the treated area for two weeks.

NO facials, chemical treatments and microdermabrasion for 4 weeks.

NO botox for 4 weeks. We recommend that it’s best to wait until after your touch up heals to get Botox, as an educated injector will take your new brows into consideration when choosing where to inject.

After 10 days, once the area has healed completely, consider using sunblock when going out in the sun to stop the colour from fading.

Eyebrow tinting should not be undertaken for 2 weeks after your procedure.

Avoid Retin-A, Chemical Peels and Microderms around the brow area once healed.

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